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태그: Basilica
This church in Metz, France bears common hallmarks of a Roman basilica, including the round arches and tripartite division into nave (center) and aisles (left and right of the nave), a division visible from the exterior of the building.
The basilica of Saint-Pierre-aux-Nonnains is a pre-medieval church building in Metz, France. It began life as a Roman “gymnasium”, or secondary school, in the 4th century AD, making it one of the oldest churches in Europe.
The building was originally built in 380 AD as part of a Roman spa complex. In the 7th century, the structure was converted into a church, becoming the chapel of a Benedictine nunnery. A new nave was constructed in the 11th century with further interior renovations. In the 16th century, the building became a warehouse, and remained so until the 1970s, when it was restored and opened for concerts and exhibitions.