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태그: 고대 로마 미술
The Magistrate’s Tombstone
A monumental grave with the longest stone epigraph was recently excavated in Pompeii. Across 4 meters (13 ft) and seven narrative registers, the deceased’s life unfolds in pictures.Marble figures portray his coming-of-age and wedding as well as sponsorship of games and celebrations. Meanwhile, a short biography mentions that he was one of Pompeii’s magistrates. Oddly, his name is nowhere to be found.There is also an account about a public disaster. In AD 59, Pompeii held a gladiator event. During the games, tempers flared and a violent brawl erupted in the amphitheater. It was considered so serious that Emperor Nero ordered an inquiry into the incident. The Senate in Rome found several people guilty of incitement, and they were exiled, including a former senator. Pompeii was banned from holding gladiator games for a decade.The story is already known to scholars, thanks to the writings of Roman historian Tacitus. The tombstone not only backs up Tacitus’s story but also mentions an unknown detail: Among the exiled were Pompeii magistrates. Their deceased colleague inside the tomb might have died during the amphitheater incident.