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  • #2190
    키 마스터

      Expulsion from the Garden of Eden (1425) – Masaccio

      Expulsion from the Garden of Eden (1425) – Masaccio

      Tommaso di Ser Giovanni di Simone, better known as Masaccio, was a major player in the Renaissance who was particularly good at portraying realism in his works, from anatomy to emotions – both of which were rare at this time. One excellent example is the Expulsion from the Garden of Eden from 1425. A fresco located inside the Brancacci Chapel in Florence, Adam is hiding his face with his hand while Eve’s face is uncovered, exuding anguish; it’s easy for the viewer to recognize that both figures are incredibly distraught – their body postures add to the emotion of the artwork. While some photos of the fresco show fig leaves covering their private areas, they were never meant to be there and were removed when the fresco was restored.

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